The soon to be famous Sequence of Events This is me and my moms car, i'm getting ready to leave Holly's house. (Happy)
The car will not start, what the hell? (Angry)
John (left) and Jeff give up and take a nap in the back seat. Nice to see Johnny Boy still sucks his thumb. (Sleepy)
I finally give up after trying for over 20 mins. The car wins. (Quit Trying)
At least thats what the car thought. I take my anger out on it. (Revenge is Sweet)
This is Kasky's senior football picture. He is one of my best friends. I think he thinks he looks like a badass. I will agree this time. This picture is from my junior year. I'm cool I'm wearing my Jim Woodward Murphysboro Football Camp Shirt. The sad thing is I still have this shirt and I still wear it. I guess I'm not as cool as I thought I was.
This is Dawson. A guy I work with. He is pretty cool but this picture is from like 7 years ago. So he doesn't look like such a dork anymore. Check out the Southbound page this is the guy I am talking about he is an awesome drummer.
This is Kirsten. She gave me this picture doesn't she look nice. Click on her picture to see some of her friends.